
SW Arizona News

Friday, November 22, 2024

Bucket Truck Fire


City of Yuma issued the following announcement on Sept. 23.

On Thursday September 23, 2021, just before 11:00 am, a “crane” was reported to be on fire in the 2100 block of west 5th Place. Yuma Fire Department personnel arrived to find a tree trimmer’s “bucket truck” on fire in the alley south of 5th Place. Firefighters were able to quickly knock down the fire and keep it from spreading to any nearby residences or other structures.

Fire investigators determined the boom section of the bucket truck contacted live power lines. The person operating the rig saw flames start to come from the boom and jumped a few feet from the bucket to the ground. There were no injuries. The area surrounding the fire scene lost power, to include at least one school in the area. The roadway in the 2100 block of 5th Place and the 500 block of 21st Avenue were closed down while emergency vehicles were still in the area.

Whenever working in proximity to overhead power lines, extreme caution must be use to avoid coming in connect with those lines. Situational awareness can save your life.

Original source can be found here.