A groundbreaking ceremony for Yuma County’s Foothills Multipurpose Complex project was held this morning outside of the Yuma County Foothills Library Branch.
On Thursday (02/02), Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were contacted by a 22-year-old female, who advised that her 4-month-old female baby had severe bruising after picking her up from being baby-sat.
Late Sunday (2/5) evening, the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office received a call from two hikers (48 and 33-year-old females) who were lost near Kaiser Springs, southeast of Wikieup.
On Saturday and Sunday (2/4 and 2/5), Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue coordinators prepared and instructed a 16-hour Mohave County Advanced SAR Academy for new members with Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue.
Last Tuesday (1/31) morning, Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue coordinated a mock search and rescue with the Department of Public Safety Western Air Rescue Helicopter team for a training evaluation of a rescue specialist / flight medic.
Everyone in the Kingman area please keep an eye out for this missing man. Check your cameras and properties and contact City of Kingman, AZ Police Department with any information.
Sending thoughts and prayers to Brutus for a full and speedy recovery. Thank you to Deputy Felish, his wife and all the veterinarian staff for the great care!
Please send good thoughts or prayers for our Brutus!
Jerry wearing the shirt and hat of their Jeep club " THE AXLE TWISTERS " Jerry the leader of the pack, organized the week trip out on all the Jeep trails.